Off the Canvas, Drawing with Thread, by Dorreen Manning Artist Magazine, July 2024 Issue
Featured artist, Textile Portraits edited by Anne Kelly, published by Batsford Books, 9/12/232023
Podcast interview, Needlexchange with Mr. Xstitch, Hand embroidered Intimacy.
Boston Globe, Sunday Arts Section At the Photographic Resource Center: Shanghai, Missouri, and points between Mark Feeney, August 9, 2023
What will you remember Photographic Journal, Exposure 2023: What makes it great by Elin Spring, August 15, 2023
NEW TV Museum Open House: Interview with The 27th Annual Photographic Resource Center Juried Members Exhibition, September 2023
The Valley Reporter, Art show highlights the hidden realities of caretaking, by Tracey Brannstrom, October 15, 2023
Boston Globe, Arts section, A doctor painter shows what life is like fourth trimester, Cate Mcquaid, March 21, 2023
Boston Globe, Arts section, A Camera Cornucopia in the Seaport, Mark Feeney, November 15, 2022
Boston Hassle, Finding (and Questioning) Objectivity, by Jess Costello, November 22, 2021
From conception to creation, TextileArtist.org
TextileArtist.org article and interview,
Mom Egg Review Feature and interview
Lancaster New Paper, print edition, Article and review, Exploring the Domestic Landscape, December 7, 2018
Features for Spring Break 2018
Hyperalleric, Spring Break Is an Oasis for Art Fair Haters, Hrag Vartanian, March 7, 2018
ArtNews, A Tour of the 2018 Spring/Break Art Show, Maxmiliano Duran, March 7, 2018
Office Magazine, Full article, Hotel X, March 9, 2018
Arcade Project, A Break with the Past: SPRING/BREAK
The Daily Beast, Eye Candy for the Proletariat: The Spring/Break Art Show, Alex Brook Lynn, March 11, 2018
Materiality, Affect, and the Archive: The Possibility of Feminist Nostalgia in Contemporary Handkerchief Embroidery, Mariah Gruner, Material Culture Review, 2017 printed in 2019,
Boston Hassle Print Edition, Caught in a Dream opening Reception, Februay 18, 2017
Squam Art Workshops podcast, full hour of discussion with Squam founder Elizabeth Duvier
2016: Fiber Art Now Magazine, Revisiting the artists feature, Spring edition
2015: Review of exhibition, In transition, Kingston Gallery, Boston, MA
2014: Common Cod, Stitching from the Everyday, See the entire talk here: Artist Talk, MIT, Cambridge MA. January 10, 2014
Surface Design Journal, Preserved Stories, Gender Issue, Summer Edition, featured writer
Philadelphia Inquirer, Review of the Outside/Inside the Box exhibit in Philadelpia.
The Somerville Times, Somerville Artist Salon feature, April 4, 2012
Surface Design Journal, Stand-Ins for home; Amanda Macouver, Interior Spaces Issue, Fall Edition, featured writer
Artist Feature, Material World: secrets and inspiration from the front line of craft, edited by Perri Lewis,
Surface Design Journal, Making it in New York, Eye of the Needle Issue, Summer Edition, feature writer
Captured Seconds, first hand artist feature, by Joetta Maue, Hand/Eye Magazine
Watch the TV feature here: Brooklyn Neighborhood Beat, January Artist Feature and Interview on Neighborhood Beat, Brooklyn Community Television, Bric Arts Division, Produced by Kecia Cole
2009-2011: Monthly post on the online journals, Mr. X Stitch see archive here: https://www.mrxstitch.com/joetta-maue/
Fiber Art Now, Artist Feature, Premier Issue, Fall 2011, Pg 36-37.
Push Stitchery, Artist Feature, edited by Jamie Chalmers, Lark Books, 2011. Purchase book here.
Etsy Craft Night, Live Class with Joetta Maue, Produced by Julie Schneider,
Making Art Seen interview
Watch the feature and interview : Tin shop artist, Summit County Television, Artist Residency Interview and Feature, Produced by the Public Arts Commission, November, 2010
Indie Craft, Artist Feature written and edited by Jo Waterhouse, Laurence King Publishing, London Purchase book here.
Save the thread, limited edition print collection, curated by Erin Loechner
Needle Magazine, Edited by Sarah & Andrew Whittle, November/December, , Issue 1, pages 23-26.http://www.needlemagazine.com/
Home, Design for Mankind, Limited edition postcards
Diyers Unite, written by Robyn Crummer-Olson, Intentionally Urban Magazine, Issue #7, June/July
2007 Her Mark , Published by Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
2006 What’s the Story, edited by Katina Papson, published by San Francisco Art College Gallery